DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.1.7, 9 April 2024

6.2 Semantic Checks

ID Message
Packages & Types  
DUPLICATE_NAMEName '#' in package '#' was previously defined at line # in #
EXTEND_BEFORE_DEFINITIONCannot extend type '#::#' before declaration at line # in #
MULTIPLE_PACKAGESType name '#' exists in multiple packages ('#', '#', and possibly others)
NOT_A_STRUCT'#' is not a struct
NOT_AN_ENUM_TYPE'#' is not an enum type
PREDEFINED_NAMEType name '#' is a reserved type name. Use a different name
REQUESTED_TYPE'#::#' it is not a (struct/scalar/method) type
TYPE_ACCESSCannot access type '#' of package '#'
UNDEFINED_PACKAGENo package called '#'
UNDEFINED_TYPENo type called '#'
Template Types  
MISSING_PARAMETERTemplate '#::#' given # parameters instead of #
UNDEFINED_TEMPLATENo template called '#::#'
When Sub-Types Qualifiers  
AMBIGUOUS_QUALIFIER'#' when qualifier for struct '#' is ambiguous, use full qualifier (e.g. '#' or '#')
CONFLICTING_QUALIFIER'#' and '#' when qualifiers for '#' are conflicting and may not be used together
NOT_A_SUBTYPE'#' is not a subtype of '#'
REDUNDANT_QUALIFIER'#' when qualifier for '#' is redundant
RESERVED_NAME'#' is a reserved name, cannot be used as a when qualifier name
WRONG_FIELD_TYPEField '#' cannot be a when qualifier, it is neither an enum nor a boolean
When & Like Inheritance  
CIRCULAR_INHERITANCE'#::#' extends itself
LIKE_INHERITANCECannot derive a like-subtype of '#' (it already has when-subtypes)
WHEN_INHERITANCECannot derive a when-subtype of '#' (it already has like-subtypes)
Fields & Variables  
DUPLICATE_NAMEName '#' already used in the current scope at line # in #
IS_INSTANCECannot declare an instance of '#' in '#' which is not a unit
REDEFINED_FIELDField '#.#' was previously defined at line # in #
UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIERIdentifier '#' is not defined
UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIERIdentifier '#' is not a member of '#'
UNRESOLVED_IDENTIFIERCannot resolve identifier '#' (unresolved preceding expression)
UNDEFINED_VARIABLENo field or local variable called '#'
EVENT_ACCESSCannot access event '#.#' of package '#'
REDEFINED_EVENTEvent '#.#' was previously defined (must use 'is only') at line # in #
UNDEFINED_EVENTEvent '#.#' was not defined previously
EXTEND_FINALCannot extend '#.#()', it was previously defined final at line # in #
METHOD_ACCESSCannot access method '#.#()' of package '#'
METHOD_RETURN_TYPECannot resolve '#' method return type (unresolved argument expression)
REDEFINED_FINALCannot declare '#.#()' as final, it was previously defined at line # in #
REDEFINED_METHODMethod '#.#()' was previously defined (must use 'is also', 'is first' or 'is only') at line # in #
UNDEFINED_METHODMethod '#.#()' was not defined previously (cannot use 'is also', 'is first' or 'is only')
UNDEFINED_METHODCVL method '#.#()' was not defined previously
UNDEFINED_METHOD Method '#' is not defined
UNDEFINED_METHOD Method '#' is not a member of '#'
UNIMPLEMENTED_METHODIn method port '#.#()' is not implemented
UNRESOLVED_METHODCannot resolve method '#' (unresolved preceding expression)
Method Arguments  
ARGUMENT_DEFAULTArguments following an argument with default value must also have default values
ARGUMENT_DEFAULTArgument default value differs from previous declaration at line # in #
ARGUMENT_COUNTArgument number differs from previous declaration at line # in #
METHOD_CALL_ARGUMENTSExpecting '#' argument[s] when calling '#', found '#'
METHOD_CALL_ARGUMENTSExpecting minimum '#' argument[s] when calling '#', found '#'
METHOD_CALL_ARGUMENTSExpecting maximum '#' argument[s] when calling '#', found '#'
UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAMEUnexpected attribute name '#', must be one of 'deep_copy', 'deep_compare', 'deep_compare_physical' or 'deep_all'
UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUEUnexpected attribute value '#', must be one of 'normal', 'reference' or 'ignore'
UNDEFINED_COVERCover group '#.#' was not defined previously (cannot use 'is also')
UNDEFINED_COVER_ITEMCover item # is not defined
REDEFINED_CONSTRAINTConstraint '#.#' was previously defined (must use 'is only') at line # in #
UNDEFINED_CONSTRAINTConstraint '#.#' was not defined previously
DUPLICATE_ENUMEnum name '#' was previously defined at line # in #
MISSING_ENUM_NAME'#' is not a value of enum type '#'
UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIERIdentifier '#' is not a value of enumerated type '#'
REDEFINED_EXPECTExpect '#.#' was previously defined at line # in #
UNDEFINED_EXPECTExpect '#.#' was not defined previously
Bind Arguments  
BIND_ARG_COUNTWrong number of arguments for 'bind()/do_bind()', must be exactly 2
BIND_ARG_PORT_TYPEArgument # of '#()' must be a port
BIND_ARGS_PORT_KINDDifferent kinds of ports cannot be bound to each other
BIND_ARGS_PORT_ELEMPorts with associated element types that do not agree cannot be bound
UNRESOLVED_BIND_ARGArgument # of '#()' cannot be resolved
ILLEGAL_ACCESSCannot access # # '#.#'
SELECT_IN_NON_LISTCannot use select, element '#' is not a list
Assignment & Math Operation  
UNEXPECTED_TYPE'#' is of type '#', while expecting numeric type
UNEXPECTED_TYPE'#' is of type '#', while expecting type '#'
UNEXPECTED_TYPE'#' is of type '#', while expecting some type
UNEXPECTED_TYPE'#' is of type '#', while expecting type '#' or '#'