DVT SystemVerilog IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.1.7, 9 April 2024

26.20.2 Applying a Refactoring Script

To apply a script, right click on the script.xml file and select Refactor > Apply a refactoring script. The refactoring wizard start automatically. You can also right click on project, select Refactor > Apply a refactoring script, then browse to the script you want to apply.

You can either apply the changes straightforward or inspect them in a Preview wizard page, where you can select which of the proposed changes should be performed. Also, on the top-right of the preview wizard you have a Filter button that allows you to filter changes by the type of refactoring action. To apply the refactoring, click Finish

  1. Select a file/change to see the source differences produced by the refactoring.

  2. Un-check a file/change to prevent those changes from being applied.

  3. Filter the displayed changes by type of refactoring item

Tip: Add +dvt_ref_scripts_debug+true directive to your .dvt/default.build to see debug information about the script execution in the DVT Build Console