DVT SystemVerilog IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.1.7, 9 April 2024

16.1 Autoinstance Using Autocomplete

You need to type the first letters of the module name, then press Ctrl+Space three (3) times. You can recognize module instances by their icon, it looks like a chip with ports ready to be glued in.

You can customize what gets generated from menu Window > Preferences > DVT > SystemVerilog > Editor > Content Assist in the Auto-instantiation section.

Autoinstance of library modules

For performance reasons, only the modules which are actually used in the design are compiled from -y libdirs and -v libfiles. However, DVT can help you instantiate any of the available library modules:

When picking a library module auto-instance proposal, the selected module is first compiled and then the instance is computed and inserted in code.

Note: Because only the libdirs and libfiles which are actually used in the design are scanned at compile time, the list of auto-instantiation proposals may contain an entry to discover modules in unused libraries.