DVT SystemVerilog IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.1.7, 9 April 2024

23.2 Trace Connections from Editor

You can trace connections directly from the DVT editor.

All trace kinds ( Trace Drive, Trace Load, Trace Drive and Load) are available.

Start by placing the editor cursor over a port or internal signal and select Trace > trace kind from the right-click context menu.

The Trace Connections View opens.

Note 1 Signals are traced across port connections and combinational logic: continuous assignments and combinational always blocks in SystemVerilog, concurrent signal assignments and combinational processes in VHDL.

Note 2 Interface and struct type signals are supported.

Note 3 The current breadcrumb navigation bar is used to determine the module instance to which the traced signal belongs. See Breadcrumb Navigation Bar for more details.