Specador Documentation Generator User Guide
Rev. 24.1.7, 9 April 2024

6.6 External Diagram Generators

Specador offers the ability to export custom generated diagrams directly from comment descriptions.

Note: This feature is only available with ''-v23'' flag option.

Below is an example on how to embed PlantUML diagrams in the Specador documentation:

When writing custom diagram descriptions, they need to be enclosed between DVT_DIAGRAM_START and DVT_DIAGRAM_END pragmas.

Available options when writing custom diagram descriptions:

   @program        [MANDATORY] Absolute path to the external diagram generator or the name of the diagram generator to be searched in $PATH (environment variables are supported)
   @input_file     [OPTIONAL]  The diagram description input, which will be passed to the program. Absolute path or relative to the current source file.
   @input          [OPTIONAL]  In the absence of an input file, you can write diagram description inline.
   @output_file    [OPTIONAL]  Path to the generated diagram. Absolute path or relative to the current source file. If not specified it will be generated under a temporary directory.
   @args           [OPTIONAL]  Additional arguments for the program.
   @replace_params [OPTIONAL]  Replace module parameters and macros with their default value. Default value: false.

Important: Specador will invoke the generator as follows: @program @input_file @output_file @args

Note: SystemVerilog module parameters and macros default values can also be passed to the input description using the following syntax: