DVT IDE for VS Code VHDL User Guide
Rev. 24.1.8, 24 April 2024

Chapter 8. Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are available for all classes, modules, methods, fields, signals, macros, etc. in the source code files that DVT analyzes in your project.

Go to Declaration

Place editor cursor over an identifier and use the "Go to Declaration" command to go to the declaration of the element.

Go to Definition

Place editor cursor over an identifier while holding down the Ctrl key. The identifier becomes a hyperlink, which jumps to the definition of the element.

You can also use the "Go to Definition" command.

Go to Type Definition

Place editor cursor over an identifier and use the "Go to Type Definition" command to go to the type definition of the element.

Jump to Assignment

Place cursor on a signal and use the "DVT: Jump to Assignment" command to jump to its next assignment.

Open Design Breadcrumb Instance

Available only for a design element under cursor which is instantiable.

Place editor cursor over an element and use the "DVT: Open Design Breadcrumb Instance" command to jump to the corresponding instance from design.

Hyperlinks in Comments

You can define hyperlinks in comments using the @link or @see pragmas, for example:

// @link uvm_pkg::run_test
// For more details @see spi_if.miso and @see spi_if.mosi

Hover the hierarchical id specified after the pragma with the mouse cursor while holding down the Ctrl key and click to go to the element's declaration.

The hierarchical identifier following @link or @see is of the form:


where <element_name> must be a type (class, struct, module, entity, interface, etc.) or a type member (method, field, event, signal, port etc.).

Go to Entity Declaration

Place editor cursor over an identifier and use the "DVT: Go to Entity Declaration" command to go to the declaration of the entity.

Go to Component Declaration

Place editor cursor over an identifier and use the "DVT: Go to Component Declaration" command to go to the declaration of the component.

Go to Architecture Declaration

Place editor cursor over an identifier and use the "DVT: Go to Architecture Declaration" command to go to the declaration of the architecture.

Jump to State Machine

Place cursor over an identifier and use the "DVT: Jump to State Machine" command to jump to the case branch where element under cursor is used.