DVT IDE for VS Code VHDL User Guide
Rev. 24.1.7, 9 April 2024

31.3.2 Parameter values

During elaboration, parameters (or generics in VHDL) get their values computed. The following sources, ordered by importance, are searched:

1. Configuration overrides. Any override of a parameter in a SystemVerilog config or a VHDL configuration rule is considered first.

// SystemVerilog

config cfg;

instance top.inst use amod #(.PARAM(1))



configuration cfg of top_entity

for rtl

for inst : aent use entity work.aent generic map (PARAM => 1); end for;

end for;

end configuration;

2. Defparam assignments

// SystemVerilog

defparam top.inst.PARAM = 1;

3. Instantiation overrides

// SystemVerilog

amod #(.PARAM(1)) inst();


inst : entity work.aent generic map (PARAM => 1);

4. Default values

// SystemVerilog

parameter int PARAM = 1;


generic (PARAM : integer := 1);