DVT IDE for VS Code VHDL User Guide
Rev. 24.1.9, 26 April 2024

2.2.5 Panel

The DVT IDE for VS Code contributes information to both the Problems and the Output Panels.


In the Problems View DVT contributes with both compilation and Verissimo compliance errors or warnings.


Regarding the Output Panel, DVT provides the following Output Channels:

  • [dvt] Build - Displays information related to the DVT compilation, such as path and compilation time for each file, problems summary and compilation statistics.

  • [dvt] Client - Displays information related to the VS Code client, such as language server management information and pop-up messages.

  • [dvt] License - Displays information related to the license client and server.

  • [dvt] Server - Displays information related to the current in-use Language Server, such as debug information and stack traces.

  • [dvt] Trace & [dvt] Trace Debug Adapter - Displays information exchanged between the VS Code client and the Language Server. By default, these output channels are disabled. To enable them, use the DVT.trace.server and DVT.trace.server settings.