DVT SystemVerilog IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.1.9, 26 April 2024

26.16.2 Connect Instances Using Existing Ports

In order to connect two module instances using existing ports, you must specify the output port (the signal source) and the input port (the signal destination). New ports will be created across the design hierarchy as needed, in order to propagate the signal.

  1. Press the Select Top button and pick one of the available design tops.

  2. Press the Show/Hide Ports button to see the ports of the selected instance, if needed.

  3. Select an instance using left click and a port using right click Connect Output Port.

    The output instance and port are presented in the Refactoring Connect View Output textbox:

  4. Select another instance using left click and a port using right click Connect Input Port.

    The input instance and port are presented in the Refactoring Connect View Input textbox along the previous set instance and port:

  5. The rest of the steps are the same as connecting instances using new ports. More details here.

Note : The swap between output instance and input instance doesn't work for directional ports (input or output).